Kereta Ooooo Kereta
Lokasi : Depan umah sewa
Waktu Kejadian: 8.45 malam
Mangsa: Diri sendiri
Saksi: Anak2 jiran yang men beskal
Aku: Halamak...apsal lak x bole bukak ni. Ish...ish...ish... x bc bismillah ker.... Bismillahirahmanirrahim ...aik x bole gak.... Ni kene wat gaya gaban la nih...ishh ish...
Anak Jiran: Kakak....kenapa kakak kua ikut cni? (muka masing2 blur + kompius....)
Aku: Heheheh....pintu akak rosak la....
Pada ari kejadian, pintu kete aku wat hal. Die x bagi aku kua, nak soh aku tdo dlm kete agaknye. Pintu kat seat driver lak tu. Seb bek x sume pintu rosak, kot x mau gune tingkap utk kua. Terpaksa la aku gune pintu bhg penumpang. Dan seb bek time tu malam. So xde sape nmpk kehuduhan aku yg terkial2 nk kua.
Dan kerana malu, esoknye aku parking kat lab. Heheheh....dan nak jadi citer g, lusanya boot kete lak x bole tutup sbb spring patah. Pandai lak kete aku ni skrg, mendemand kan diri sejak mendgr dirinya bakal direplace. Kecik ati la tuh.... Melayang fulus aku lagi...High maintenance btol kete aku 2-3 menjak nih..... Tanda2 awal nk ikut jejak langkah Malin ni...heheheh
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 | | 3 Comments
Life Must Go On
Entri kali ni ialah entri mode luahan. Terasa nak wrote sumthg on this beautiful monday evening, sementara tunggu Bella abes solat and Ima yg ilang ntah ke mana muncul blk kat opis. Klu due2 teman itu ada baru la bole pulang..... Hehehe....
Lately ni byk things happen and I thanked Allah, really thanked...bcos all those things yg jd really teach me sumthg. And everythg yg jd dis whole week make me stronger. Yeah...tipu la klu x nangis kan, no woman no cry...... ^_^but thanx a lot to my buddy Ima n Mrs Amin a.k.a Bella for always being by my side, cheer me up and advice me. X lupe gak pada Mr Amin yg berjaya brain wash aku on dat day and made me realise that 'he' don't deserve me.
If he can't loves u sincerely, care for u or at least appreciate u in his life, then he don't deserve u or x better forget ur feeling and leave him. Mmmm...bukan senang nak buat camtu, but amazingly i DID it...yeahhhh ^_^ Better go for sum1 who really wants u and really appreciate u baru la bole rasa apa itu bahagia.... Heheheh.... Besides, the waiting lists are still long....hikhik apa salahnye cuba membuka ati n perasaan pada org yg betul2 nak.....
Monday, October 19, 2009 | | 4 Comments
The Empire....
WaRiSAn Jawa dan Bugis
5 sifat "POSITIF" orang Malaysia12 years ago
:: ANNOUNCEMENT ::12 years ago
Other Clans Inside
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18 wEEks13 years ago
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tHe cLaNS oF UtEMsss
MiMpi....15 years ago
some cool ads from tm..15 years ago